Revolution Physical Therapy NYC

high quality individualized

rehabilitative physical therapy


how we’re dealing with the covid 19 crisis

the benefits of telehealth

In an effort to maintain our commitment to taking care of our valued patients, Revolution Physical Therapy NYC has adopted new telehealth practices. Telehealth is a service method devised as both a way to keep patients and providers healthy as well as to increase the convenience of your medical appointment.

This form of treatment cannot replace in-office visits, but it still meets all requirements when it comes to patients well being for meeting cultural, social, psychological, biological and ethical needs. Visit our telehealth page to read more.

during the COVID-19 pandemic and always Your health is our top priority



Revolution Physical Therapy NYC, was established in 2017 by Dr. Loraine Antoine and Dr. Afriqiyah Woods to provide exceptional and unique care to individuals who are seeking to improve their daily function or who are experiencing pain or discomfort due to injury or surgery. Revolution Physical Therapy NYC is dedicated to improving each patient’s quality of life by developing custom therapeutic programs that incorporate manual therapy, muscle re-education, therapeutic exercise and fun. Revolution Physical Therapy NYC withholds the highest standards of clinical care placing you on the right path to recovery.

dedicated to improving each patient’s quality of life by developing custom therapeutic programs



I have been under the care of Afriqiyah Woods for various athletic injuries over the past 10 years.  I first met her in 2006 after a meniscus surgery on my right knee.  I usually saw her in the early mornings before work.  She is caring, tough and selfless with her time.  She admninisters one-on-one care and is a strong believer in flexibility and strength.  After a few sessions with her, i was far ahead of schedule in my rehabilitation and quickly regained the motion and strength in my knee.  Over the years, she had helped me athletic injuries of my neck, hip and both knees. She has helped me to manage pain, restore movement, and rebound even stronger than I was before.

C. Brown

I was in a lot of pain, I could not exercise, and I was very stressed. I thought it was an injury from exercise but the paid got much worse.   After being prescribed pain meds, advised to wear a cervical collar for one month, I was also advised to have an MRI.  What followed was a  consultation with a neurologist, exam and evaluation with spine doctor. The diagnosis was cervical radiculopathy. Sounds scary, and I was scared the pain would never go away. It was recommended that I begin Physical Therapy immediately.  Surgery was not an option.
I was referred to several PT Facilities.  I had the extreme good fortune of being referred to Afriqiyah for PT by a trusted friend who recommended her highly. I called and scheduled my first appointment.  Best decision I ever made!!  Afriqiyah brings a unique blend of expertise and intuition to her patient care style.  Her hands on focus helped me heal gently, all the while learning what I needed to do to maintain the results. Each visit was productive and focused. I felt Afriqiyah took a sincere personal interest in my progress.  Afriqiyah is a confident, competent professional, and also warm and engaging. Each PT session was a comprehensive healing experience.
I have been symptom free for some time thanks to the care I received with Afriqiyah !  Thank you Afriqiyah!

Rosa L.

located in lower manhattan, Revolution Physical Therapy NYC is easily ACCESSIBLE and REMARKABLY PROFESSIONAl  




One Liberty Plaza   /   165 Broadway, 23rd floor   /   New York, New York 10006   /   Monday - Friday 7AM - 8PM